Saturday, January 31, 2015

Reading Diary B Week 4: The Language of Animals

            A really interesting excerpt from this reading section was Kaikeyi asking Dasaratha to teach her the language of animals.  I found this section to be really interesting because it just seems so unexpected.  It literally feels like it comes out of nowhere, but I have a guess as to why it is inserted into the Ramayana.  Now, I could be totally wrong, but I believe that this is put into the story to possibly show Kaikeyi as having a past of being selfish.  Kaikeyi has just used her two boons to banish Rama and make her son Bharata king.  This story follows up that event by showing Kaikeyi asking Dasaratha to teach her to speak to animals in exchange for his death.  To be honest, how the Ramayana describes their relationship is sickening.  It is honestly like a teenage romance.  My reaction to this section is just pure disgust.  I’m not necessarily getting worked up about it but I’m just over it. 

            Other than that reaction, I thought Kaikeyi’s behavior was odd.  I mean she wanted to know how to speak to animals at the cost of her husband’s life.  Within the excerpt, she is described as sitting nonchalant waiting for him to tell her then die.  It’s insane.  At least within her exiling Rama and demanding Bharata to be king, the reader may see that she is doing this in order to protect herself.  However, this shows her as completely selfish.  I kind of hate it because it puts Kaikeyi in a worse light.  

Kaikeyi and Dasaratha.  Source: Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. Kristen,

    I think your interpretation of Kaikeyi asking to learn the language of animals is spot on! It makes a lot of sense for the author to want to include some kind of foreshadowing for her selfishness. And I can appreciate that, because I'm not really a fan of characters becoming randomly evil - they need to have a background or something to build up to it.

    I would also agree that her characteristics and mannerisms are odd. But I think that can be said for a lot of the characters in this story. That is true for both versions! It seems that a lot of the actions made by the characters are not really consistent with how they are described to be. That's frustrating to me!
