Sunday, January 11, 2015

Favorite Place-Chickasaw National Recreation Area

One of my favorite places is the Chickasaw National Recreation Area in Sulphur, Oklahoma.  I love this place because it is a park that includes beautiful rock structures, reflecting pools, streams, camp grounds, and various nature trails.  It is just a great place to experience nature within southern Oklahoma.  The sights are just beautiful.  The best part is that it is relatively close to my house.  

Rock steps across a stream in the Chickasaw National Recreation Area.  Source: Intenteffect

A rock bridge across a stream in the Chickasaw National Recreation Area.  Source: Intenteffect

Buffalo Springs in the Chickasaw National Recreation Area. Source: Brian Wright

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what nice pictures, Kristen: like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and especially when it comes to the beauties of nature, that is so true! Plus, I recognized that one picture from your Pinterest Board: PERFECT! Pinning your images for your posts to the Pinterest Board is a great way to use the power of Pinterest for this class. Super! I hope you will have fun with the class!
