Friday, January 30, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 3

            This past week has definitely brought some normalcy into my life.  I’m so glad that I was actually able to breathe and relax.  It was quite refreshing.  I’m glad that within this week we were able to finish reading Narayan’s Ramayana.  I can’t wait to start reading Buck’s version and see what the differences are between the two.  I know Buck’s is definitely longer just by looking at the size of the book.  While Narayan’s version was not bad, I wish that some parts of the story had been elaborated on or put more detail into because I felt like I needed to know more.  Hopefully, Buck’s version will give me more of that.

            As far as reading other stories this week, I enjoyed reading a lot of my classmates’ stories.  They all vary in creativity and writing styles, but I like that the ones that I have read always tell the story from someone else’s perspective.  Instead of telling the story the same way but only changing the setting to something more modern, everyone’s story that I have read this week wrote from a secondary characters perspective such as Vali, Sugreeva, or Vayu.  I also chose to write my storytelling post using this same technique because I believe that by not changing the story in some significant way, the reader will possibly find it boring and redundant.

           I’m looking forward to next week’s readings but I’m also a little nervous about the storytelling posts because we are going to be using the same story but just a different version.  I’m sure I’ll be fine because I know that I’ll get the assignment done either way.  However, I don’t know if things will catch my attention the same way as certain parts of the story within Narayan’s version.  I’ll guess we’ll see when I start reading for week four.  

The battle at Lanka, Source: Wikipedia


  1. Kristen,

    I also like reading the stories from other perspectives. It is very interesting to see how other people not only interpret them but how they put their own creative spin on things. Unfortunately for me, my life has yet to slow down, and I find lately I don't have a lot of time for relaxing. I'm hoping that in a few weeks that'll change! Good luck with everything!

  2. Hey Kristen! I'm glad things have slowed down and become normal for you. I wish I could say the same, but I feel like things are getting more and more hectic for me. I agree with Narayana's version being short on details. I enjoyed the read, but I feel like I could have gotten more out of it if Narayana had provided more details!

  3. Hey Kristen!
    I don't think you will find any problems making new stories out of Buck's version of the Ramayana. There are so many new details, and side stories, that you will not find yourself lacking in direction! The book definitely is longer, and a lot more to digest. However, I think you will enjoy the reading!
