Thursday, March 5, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 8

Wow, this week has been hectic.  I don’t understand why but in almost every class, I have to do a presentation this semester.  Before this semester, I have probably done three presentations in my entire undergraduate career at OU.  Well, I don’t mind doing these presentations, but so far every group that I have tried to meet up with, we have had to cancel because of the weather.  Since
I am a perfectionist, nothing scares me more than meeting up the day before and having a few hours to put everything together and make it coherent.  But what is really ridiculous is the grade amount that this presentation is worth.  It is 6% of our overall grade.  What?!  Why even bother? I just wish that I had more time and was better prepared. 

However, I’m glad that there was a snow day this week because it gave the chance to get some much needed work done.  Unfortunately, I’ll be paying the price for it next week when my night class will have to stay the entire three hours to make up for the time missed.  It’s okay.  It is an easy class with little to no work, but it is exhausting to stay three hours in a room and talk about race issues.  The class is an AFAM class.  It is not stressful because there is blatant racism from people but because race is such a heated topic that it always brings up issues that are controversial.

I’m so glad this was a review week because I definitely needed the break.  I needed the break to help relieve the stress from other classes and work and I needed this break to focus on getting rid of this sickness that I have.  I’m sick but I have no time for it.  
Winter Weather. Source: Wikipedia.


  1. I completely understand the hectic week syndrome...I get that a lot, too. I hope the presentations are going well, though! It always gives me so anxiety when meetings have to be cancelled and you have to meet right before the presentation. I hate not having things planned out! But I hope you are getting over your sickness and getting much-needed rest!

  2. It is crazy that every year there is that one week in the semester that it seems everything happens all at once! Hopefully your presentations went great! That is always the downside of group work is it seems like you are always putting the finishing product together at the last minute. Hopefully this week will be much better for you! At least it is the last week before Spring Break!!
